Hello friends!  2020 was a crazy, stressful, and sad year for all of us.  Corona virus, loss of jobs, at home schooling, loosing friends and family…. no one was spared from a year that none of us will ever forget.  In early September I started to have HORRIFIC anxiety attacks. Sometimes they would come out of nowhere, and other times I would have a physical symptom that would send my worry out of control. 4 times between September and November I rushed off to MGH to their emergency department positive that something was wrong with me and that I was going to die.  I was put on two different medications which made me feel like complete crap and started therapy to learn some coping skills on how to calm myself down and combat the depression i had gotten myself into.  Everyday i contemplated whether or not to even get out of bed.  Then one day a client and friend introduced me to essential oils and explained to me how I can use these natural substances to combat my everyday life.  From stress and anxiety, to headaches, stomach issues, even helping to lower cholesterol.  That was it, I was off on my journey of self discovery and educating myself on absolutely everything to do with essential oils.  I immediately felt an unbelievable change.  My anxiety attacks were becoming non existent, i was being able to help inflammation in my body that was causing extreme pain, and was able to get off medication that was giving me side effects that made it hard to get through day to day activities.  In December I started working for young living as a distributor and within a month made it to senior star status in the company.  I am so thankful this was introduced to these miracle oils that are completely natural, organic, and therapeutic grade.  I am especially ecstatic to help others find this gift and teach them about essential oils.

 Love and blessings, Rob